Research & Data
Measuring outcomes is critical to providing girls with the right support and opportunities to thrive.

The Reports
Girls Inc. girls outperform peers on key indicators.
From 2017 to 2019, the American Institutes for Research implemented a quasi-experimental research study with four Girls Inc. affiliates and their school districts in small, medium, and large communities that were reflective of the larger Girls Inc. network.
The results are truly compelling, documenting with strong evidence that Girls Inc. changes the trajectory of girls’ lives and sets them up for life-long success.
86 %
Of girls say they’ve been physically active in the past week.
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87 %
Of girls believe they will graduate college.
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83 %
Of girls say they can use what they know to solve “real-life” problems in their communities.
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92 %
Of girls say there are adults at Girls Inc. they can depend on for help.
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