What We Do

Mentorship, a pro-girl environment, and proven programs prepare girls for independent life.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Girls Inc. inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.

Our Vision

Powerful girls in an equitable society.

Who We Serve

Our Difference

Through the Girls Inc. experience, we gain the knowledge and skills to effect positive changes in their lives and to become leaders in Tarrant County and beyond.

We cultivate a pro-girl environment that encourages girls to be their authentic selves.
The Girls Inc. Experience has positive and lasting effects for the girls who participate.
Girls are equipped with the skills to effect positive changes in their lives and to become leaders who will change the world.
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To be cared for by a Girls Inc. mentor is a feeling that will live inside me forever and I will always have a desire to make others feel that special.

Areysi M.
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What Girls Learn

Girls build the knowledge, skills, and confidence to drive for positive change in their lives and their communities.

icon-heart shape Healthy Educated Girl Outcomes
100 %
Decrease in the number of participants who were sometimes or often in trouble in their personal time
Chattanooga copy 2
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icon-star shape Healthy Educated Girl Outcomes
83 %
Decrease of those who were sometimes or often in trouble at the beginning of the school year
You woman working on a laptop
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You woman working on a laptop
icon-sun shape Healthy Educated Girl Outcomes
86 %
Increase in the number of participants who had positive or very positive attitudes towards school after participating in the program
2 women at a Girls Inc event
contact sheet 246
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2 women at a Girls Inc event

Get Involved

Your generosity shows girls you believe in them and their potential.

Get Involved

Become A
 Corporate Partner
Become A
Corporate Partner
Make a difference by creating
pathways to lifelong success.
Become A Champion
Join the exclusive Champions for Girls philanthropic society.